Ricycle 1.1 Mysql


require_once 'database.php';
class Mysql {
  public $config   = [];
  public $keywords = [
  static $instance = null;
  public function __construct($config = []) {
    $this->config = $config;
    return $this->connect();
  public static function getInstance() {
    $config = [
      'host'     => DATABASE_HOST,
      'login'    => DATABASE_USERNAME,
      'password' => DATABASE_PASSWORD,
      'port'     => DATABASE_PORT,
      'database' => DATABASE_NAME,
      'encoding' => 'utf8',
    if (null === Mysql::$instance) {
      Mysql::$instance = new Mysql($config);
    return Mysql::$instance;
  public function connect() {
    $config           = $this->config;
    $this->connected  = false;
    $this->connection = mysqli_connect($config['host'], $config['login'], $config['password'], $config['database']);
    if ($this->connection != false) {
      $this->connected = true;
    return $this->connected;
  public function setEncoding($enc) {
    return $this->_execute('SET NAMES ' . $enc) != false;
  public function _execute($sql) {
    return mysqli_query($this->connection, $sql);
  protected function buildConditions($condition) {
    // $condition is
	  // 	array (
		//   'email' => 'admin@gmail.com',
		//   'password' => '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b',
		// )
    if (empty($condition)) {
    $conditionArray = [];
    foreach ($condition as $field => $sub) {
      $math = '';
      if (!in_array($sub, $this->keywords)) {
        $math = '=';
      $conditionArray[] = " " . $field . " " . $math . " '" . $sub . "' ";
    return " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $conditionArray);
  public function select($myTable, $options = [], $isCount = false) {
    // $options is
    //  array (
    //   'conditions' =>
    //   array (
    //     'email' => 'admin@gmail.com',
    //     'password' => '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b',
    //   ),
    // )
    $myFields   = isset($options['fields']) ? $options['fields'] : '*';
    $conditions = isset($options['conditions']) ? $options['conditions'] : null;
    try {
      $returnArr = [];
      $table     = $myTable;
      $alias     = $joins     = $order     = $group     = $limit     = "";
      $fields    = "";
      if (is_array($myFields)) {
        $fields = implode(', ', $myFields);
      } else {
        $fields = $myFields;
      $conditions = $this->buildConditions($conditions);
      // $conditions is " WHERE  email = 'admin@gmail.com' AND  password = '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b' "
      $tmpTable = explode('_', $table);
      // array (
      //   0 => 'user',
      // )
      $alias = [];
      foreach ($tmpTable as $tmp) {
        $alias[] = ucfirst($tmp);
      $alias = implode($alias);
      // $alias is User
      $query = compact('table', 'alias', 'joins', 'fields', 'conditions', 'joins', 'group', 'order', 'limit');
      //    array (
      //   'table' => 'user',
      //   'alias' => 'User',
      //   'joins' => '',
      //   'fields' => '*',
      //   'conditions' => ' WHERE  email = \'wordpress\' AND  password = \'b1909932aac1c5510c044de0cb8c0f3ef049a250\'',
      //   'group' => '',
      //   'order' => '',
      //   'limit' => '',
      // )
      $sql = $this->renderStatement('select', $query);
      // $sql is " SELECT * FROM user User WHERE  email = 'admin@gmail.com' AND  password = '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b' "
      $returnArr = $this->fetchAll($sql);
      // $returnArr is array (
      // 0 => 
      // array (
      //     'MovieCategory' => 
      //     array (
      //       'id' => '1',
      //       'title' => 'Category 1',
      //       'created' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
      //       'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
      //     ),
      //   ),
      // )
      // array (
      //   0 => 
      //   array (
      //     'Movie' => 
      //     array (
      //       'id' => '1',
      //       'title' => 'Title 1',
      //       'duration' => '9',
      //       'director' => 'Director 1',
      //       'actor' => 'Actor 1',
      //       'language' => 'Language 1',
      //       'country' => 'VN',
      //       'category_id' => '1',
      //       'description' => 'Description 1',
      //       'open_date' => '2020-04-03',
      //       'trial_url' => 'xhNwhL58c9E',
      //       'created' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
      //       'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
      //     ),
      //     'movie_category' => 
      //     array (
      //       'id' => '1',
      //       'title' => 'Category 1',
      //       'created' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
      //       'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
      //     ),
      //   ),
      // )
      return $returnArr;
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
    public function renderStatement($type, $data) {
    	// 	array (
			//   'table' => 'user',
			//   'alias' => 'User',
			//   'joins' => '',
			//   'fields' => '*',
			//   'conditions' => ' WHERE  email = \'lionel@gmail.com\' AND  password = \'7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b\'',
			//   'group' => '',
			//   'order' => '',
			//   'limit' => '',
			// )
      switch (strtolower($type)) {
        case 'select':
          return "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table} {$alias} {$joins} {$conditions} {$group} {order} {$limit}";
    public function fetchAll($sql) {
      if ($this->execute($sql)) {
        $out = [];
        while ($item = $this->fetchRow()) {
          $out[] = $item;
        return $out;
      } else {
        return false;
    public function execute($sql) {
      if (!function_exists('getMicrotime')) {
        function getMicrotime() {
          list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
          return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
      $t              = getMicrotime();
      $this->_result  = $this->_execute($sql);
      $this->affected = $this->lastAffected();
      $this->took     = round((getMicrotime() - $t) * 1000, 0);
      $this->error    = $this->lastError();
      $this->numRows  = $this->lastNumRows();
      return $this->_result;
    public function lastAffected() {
      if ($this->_result) {
        return mysqli_affected_rows($this->connection);
      return null;
    public function lastError() {
      if (mysqli_errno($this->connection)) {
        return mysqli_errno($this->connection) . ': ' . mysqli_error($this->connection);
      return null;
    public function lastNumRows() {
      if ($this->_result and is_object($this->_result)) {
        return @mysqli_num_rows($this->_result);
      return null;
    function fetchRow() {
      if (is_resource($this->_result) || is_object($this->_result)) {
        $resultRow = $this->fetchResult();
        // $resultRow is 
        // array (
        //   'MovieCategory' => 
        //   array (
        //     'id' => '1',
        //     'title' => 'Category 1',
        //     'created' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //     'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //   ),
        // )
        // false
        // array (
        //   'Movie' => 
        //   array (
        //     'id' => '1',
        //     'title' => 'Title 1',
        //     'duration' => '9',
        //     'director' => 'Director 1',
        //     'actor' => 'Actor 1',
        //     'language' => 'Language 1',
        //     'country' => 'VN',
        //     'category_id' => '1',
        //     'description' => 'Description 1',
        //     'open_date' => '2020-04-03',
        //     'trial_url' => 'xhNwhL58c9E',
        //     'created' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
        //     'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
        //   ),
        //   'movie_category' => 
        //   array (
        //     'id' => '1',
        //     'title' => 'Category 1',
        //     'created' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //     'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //   ),
        // )
        // false
        return $resultRow;
      } else {
        return null;
    public function resultSet(&$results) {
      $this->results = &$results;
      $this->map     = [];
      $num_fields    = mysqli_num_fields($results);
      // (object) array(
      //   'name' => 'id',
      //   'orgname' => 'id',
      //   'table' => 'User',
      //   'orgtable' => 'user',
      //   'def' => '',
      //   'db' => 'ticket',
      //   'catalog' => 'def',
      //   'max_length' => 0,
      //   'length' => 11,
      //   'charsetnr' => 63,
      //   'flags' => 49667,
      //   'type' => 3,
      //   'decimals' => 0,
      // )
      // ...
      $index         = 0;
      $j             = 0;
      while ($j < $num_fields) {
        $column = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($results, $j);
        if (!empty($column->table)) {
          $this->map[$index++] = [
        } else {
          $this->map[$index++] = [
      // [
      //   0 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'id',
      //   ],
      //   1 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'email',
      //   ],
      //   2 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'password',
      //   ],
      //   3 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'fullname',
      //   ],
      //   4 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'address',
      //   ],
      //   5 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'is_admin',
      //   ],
      //   6 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'created',
      //   ],
      //   7 => [
      //     0 => 'User',
      //     1 => 'modified',
      //   ],
      // ];
    public function fetchResult() {
      if ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($this->results)) {
        // $this->results
        // mysqli_result::__set_state(array(
        //    'current_field' => NULL,
        //    'field_count' => NULL,
        //    'lengths' => NULL,
        //    'num_rows' => NULL,
        //    'type' => NULL,
        // ))
        // =================================================
        // $row is 
        // table is movie_category 
        // array (
        //   0 => '1',
        //   1 => 'Category 1',
        //   2 => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //   3 => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        // )
        // table is movie
        // array (
        //   0 => '1',
        //   1 => 'Title 1',
        //   2 => '9',
        //   3 => 'Director 1',
        //   4 => 'Actor 1',
        //   5 => 'Language 1',
        //   6 => 'VN',
        //   7 => '1',
        //   8 => 'Description 1',
        //   9 => '2020-04-03',
        //   10 => 'xhNwhL58c9E',
        //   11 => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
        //   12 => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
        //   13 => '1',
        //   14 => 'Category 1',
        //   15 => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        //   16 => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
        // )
        $resultRow = [];
        foreach ($row as $index => $field) {
          @list($table, $column)      = $this->map[$index];
          $resultRow[$table][$column] = $row[$index];
        return $resultRow;
      } else {
        return false;
    // fetchResult
 $resultRow is 
array (
  'User' => 
  array (
    'id' => '3',
    'email' => 'lionel@gmail.com',
    'password' => '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b',
    'fullname' => 'Lionel',
    'address' => 'ABC',
    'is_admin' => NULL,
    'created' => '2020-04-03 19:24:49',
    'modified' => '2020-04-03 19:24:49',
End $resultRow is 


	if(!class_exists('Mysql')) require_once 'Mysql.php';
	if(!class_exists('Form')) require_once 'Form.php';
	class AppModel {
		public $form = null;
		protected $rules = null;
		protected $alias = null;
		protected $db = null;
		protected $table = '';
		public function __construct() {
			$this->form = new Form();
			$this->db = Mysql::getInstance();
		public function find($conditions,$first='all') {
			// $conditions is 
			// array (
			//   'joins' => 
			//   array (
			//     'movie_category' => 
			//     array (
			//       'type' => 'INNER',
			//       'main_key' => 'category_id',
			//       'join_key' => 'id',
			//     ),
			//   ),
			// )
			$results = $this->db->select($this->table,$conditions);
			if(!empty($results) && $first = 'first') {
				return $results[0];
			// array (
			//   0 => 
			//   array (
			//     'Movie' => 
			//     array (
			//       'id' => '1',
			//       'title' => 'Title 1',
			//       'duration' => '9',
			//       'director' => 'Director 1',
			//       'actor' => 'Actor 1',
			//       'language' => 'Language 1',
			//       'country' => 'VN',
			//       'category_id' => '1',
			//       'description' => 'Description 1',
			//       'open_date' => '2020-04-03',
			//       'trial_url' => 'xhNwhL58c9E',
			//       'created' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
			//       'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:03:56',
			//     ),
			//     'movie_category' => 
			//     array (
			//       'id' => '1',
			//       'title' => 'Category 1',
			//       'created' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
			//       'modified' => '2020-04-02 19:02:57',
			//     ),
			//   ),
			// )
			return $results;


	define('DATABASE_HOST', 'localhost');
	define('DATABASE_PORT', 3306);
	define('DATABASE_USERNAME', 'root');
	define('DATABASE_PASSWORD', 'mysql');
	define('DATABASE_NAME', 'ticket');


class Form {
  private $model   = 'Model';
  protected $rules = null;
  public $inputs   = [];
  public function setRules($rules) {
    if (!empty($rules)) {
      $this->rules = $rules;
      foreach ($rules as $field => $rule) {
        if (isset($rule['form'])) {
          $this->inputs[$field] = $rule['form'];
  public function input($name) {
    $type = 'text';
    foreach ($this->inputs as $field => $input) {
    	$type = $input['type'];
      switch ($name) {
        case 'email':
        $inputField = '<input type="text" name="data['.$this->model.']['.$name.']">';
        case 'password':
        $inputField = '<input type="password" name="data['.$this->model.']['.$name.']">';
      return $inputField;
  public function setModel($model) {
  	$this->model = $model;


	class Helper {
		public static function hash($string) {
			return sha1($string);
		public static function verifyHash($password,$hash) {
			return $hash == Helper::hash($password);


	if(!class_exists('User')) require_once 'User.php';
	$user = new User();
  if ($_POST) {
    $data = $_POST['data'];
  	// array (
  	//   'User' => 
  	//   array (
  	//     'email' => 'lionel@gmail.com',
  	//     'password' => '123456',
  	//   ),
  	// )
    if ($user->login($data)) {
      echo 'aaaaaaaaaaaa';
    }else {
      echo 'bbbbbbbbbbbb';
  <p class="err">Login failed! Please check your email and password!</p>
  <title>User Login</title>
  <link href="css/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
  <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
  <link href="css/form.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/themes/base/jquery-ui.css">
    <div class="logo">
      <img src="images/film.png" width="45">
      <div class="title">Platinum Cineplex</div>
        <li><a href="#"><img src="images/logout.png" width="25">Logout</a></li>
    <ul id="dropmenu">
        <a href="#">Movie</a>
  <div class="heading">User Login</div>
  <p class="err">Login failed! Please check your email and password!</p>
  <form action="" class="form" method="post">
          	echo $user->form->input('email');
          	echo $user->form->input('password');
          <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"><br><br>
          <a href="http://localhost/practiceoop/login.php">Register</a>



class Session {
  public function __construct() {
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
  public function write($key, $value) {
    $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
  public function read($key) {
    return $_SESSION[$key];
  public function delete($key) {
    if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) {
  public function destroy() {


define('USER_INFO', 'user_info');
define('LOGGED_IN', 'logged_in');
require_once "Helper.php";
require_once "Session.php";
if (!class_exists('AppModel')) {
  require_once 'AppModel.php';

class User extends AppModel {
  protected $alias = 'User';
  protected $rules = [
    "email"    => [
      "form"     => [
        "type" => "text",
      "notEmpty" => [
        "rule"    => "notEmpty",
        "message" => 'MSG_ERR_NOTEMPTY',
      "isEmail"  => [
        "rule"    => "email",
        "message" => 'MSG_ERR_EMAIL',
    "password" => [
      "form"     => [
        "type" => "password",
      "notEmpty" => [
        "rule"    => "notEmpty",
        "message" => 'MSG_ERR_NOTEMPTY',
  public function __construct() {
  public function login($data) {
    $exists = $this->find([
      'conditions' => [
        'email'    => $data[$this->alias]['email'],
        'password' => Helper::hash($data[$this->alias]['password']),
    // array (
    //   'User' => 
    //   array (
    //     'id' => '3',
    //     'email' => 'lionel@gmail.com',
    //     'password' => '7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b',
    //     'fullname' => 'Lionel',
    //     'address' => 'ABC',
    //     'is_admin' => NULL,
    //     'created' => '2020-04-03 19:24:49',
    //     'modified' => '2020-04-03 19:24:49',
    //   ),
    // )
    if(!empty($exists)) {
      return true;
    return false;

Last updated