reCAPTCHA v2 google (ok)

This page explains how to display and customize the reCAPTCHA v2 widget on your webpage.

To display the widget, you can either:

See Configurations to learn how to customize your widget. For example, you may want to specify the language or theme for the widget.

See Verifying the user's response to check if the user successfully solved the CAPTCHA.

Automatically render the reCAPTCHA widget

The easiest method for rendering the reCAPTCHA widget on your page is to include the necessary JavaScript resource and a g-recaptcha tag. The g-recaptcha tag is a DIV element with class name g-recaptcha and your site key in the data-sitekey attribute:

    <title>reCAPTCHA demo: Simple page</title>
    <script src="" async defer></script>
    <form action="?" method="POST">
      <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="your_site_key"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The script must be loaded using the HTTPS protocol and can be included from any point on the page without restriction.

Explicitly render the reCAPTCHA widget

Deferring the render can be achieved by specifying your onload callback function and adding parameters to the JavaScript resource.

  1. Specify your onload callback function. This function will get called when all the dependencies have loaded.

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var onloadCallback = function() {
        alert("grecaptcha is ready!");
  2. Insert the JavaScript resource, setting the onload parameter to the name of your onload callback function and the render parameter to explicit.

    <script src=""
        async defer>

    When your callback is executed, you can call the grecaptcha.render method from the JavaScript API.Your onload callback function must be defined before the reCAPTCHA API loads. To ensure there are no race conditions:

    • Order your scripts with the callback first, and then reCAPTCHA

    • Use the async and defer parameters in the `script` tags


JavaScript resource (api.js) parameters





Optional. The name of your callback function to be executed once all the dependencies have loaded.


explicit onload

Optional. Whether to render the widget explicitly. Defaults to onload, which will render the widget in the first g-recaptcha tag it finds.


Optional. Forces the widget to render in a specific language. Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified.

g-recaptcha tag attributes and grecaptcha.render parameters

g-recaptcha tag attribute

grecaptcha.render parameter






Your sitekey.



dark light


Optional. The color theme of the widget.



compact normal


Optional. The size of the widget.




Optional. The tabindex of the widget and challenge. If other elements in your page use tabindex, it should be set to make user navigation easier.



Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when the user submits a successful response. The g-recaptcha-response token is passed to your callback.



Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when the reCAPTCHA response expires and the user needs to re-verify.



Optional. The name of your callback function, executed when reCAPTCHA encounters an error (usually network connectivity) and cannot continue until connectivity is restored. If you specify a function here, you are responsible for informing the user that they should retry.

JavaScript API




Renders the container as a reCAPTCHA widget and returns the ID of the newly created widget. container The HTML element to render the reCAPTCHA widget. Specify either the ID of the container (string) or the DOM element itself. parameters An object containing parameters as key=value pairs, for example, {"sitekey": "your_site_key", "theme": "light"}. See grecaptcha.render parameters.

grecaptcha.reset( opt_widget_id)

Resets the reCAPTCHA widget. opt_widget_id Optional widget ID, defaults to the first widget created if unspecified.

grecaptcha.getResponse( opt_widget_id)

Gets the response for the reCAPTCHA widget. opt_widget_id Optional widget ID, defaults to the first widget created if unspecified.


Explicit rendering after an onload callback

    <title>reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render after an onload callback</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var onloadCallback = function() {
        grecaptcha.render('html_element', {
          'sitekey' : 'your_site_key'
    <form action="?" method="POST">
      <div id="html_element"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    <script src=""
        async defer>

Explicit rendering for multiple widgets

    <title>reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render for multiple widgets</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var verifyCallback = function(response) {
      var widgetId1;
      var widgetId2;
      var onloadCallback = function() {
        // Renders the HTML element with id 'example1' as a reCAPTCHA widget.
        // The id of the reCAPTCHA widget is assigned to 'widgetId1'.
        widgetId1 = grecaptcha.render('example1', {
          'sitekey' : 'your_site_key',
          'theme' : 'light'
        widgetId2 = grecaptcha.render(document.getElementById('example2'), {
          'sitekey' : 'your_site_key'
        grecaptcha.render('example3', {
          'sitekey' : 'your_site_key',
          'callback' : verifyCallback,
          'theme' : 'dark'
    <!-- The g-recaptcha-response string displays in an alert message upon submit. -->
    <form action="javascript:alert(grecaptcha.getResponse(widgetId1));">
      <div id="example1"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="getResponse">
    <!-- Resets reCAPTCHA widgetId2 upon submit. -->
    <form action="javascript:grecaptcha.reset(widgetId2);">
      <div id="example2"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="reset">
    <!-- POSTs back to the page's URL upon submit with a g-recaptcha-response POST parameter. -->
    <form action="?" method="POST">
      <div id="example3"></div>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    <script src=""
        async defer>

Last updated